To make preparing this recipe easier, gather all of your ingredients beforehand to have them nearby to add as needed.
In a heavy-bottom, 2-3 quart sauce pan, without a dark or black bottom, add sugar, salt, and water over medium-high heat. Whisk constantly to dissolve sugar.
Once the mixture reaches a boil, stop whisking. It will boil vigorously and steam, but it will be clear in color.
Carefully swirl the pan occasionally, and from time to time, run a silicone spatula along the bottom outer rim to prevent burning of mixture.
The bubbling will continue, but the bubbles will become smaller and slower. It will slowly tint a light yellowish color, then light orange, and then a deep amber caramel color. This is the color desired.
Immediately add butter slices and whisk until butter has melted. Remove from heat immediately.
Carefully pour in cream and whisk. (It will bubble vigorously). Whisk until mixture is smooth and creamy.
Pour caramel into a heat-resistant glass bowl. Cool completely. Once cool, pour into an airtight container and refrigerate. Use as desired.