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I’m always late to the party! Yep…I fought the “Low Carb” movement as long as I could. I decided if I was joining this party I was bringing my “A” game with this Salmon Bowl! Made on one baking sheet and served up in one bowl…this dinner for two is FANTASTIC! Have more than two? Double it! Easy Peasy! Get ready to be WOWED! This is not your typical “low carb” meal!

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Finding time to make dinner for the family isn’t always easy this time of the year! We’re all up to our eyebrows in tinsel and sugar cookies! If there were just a few more hours in the day Santa and his missing elves (notice how there are no elves when you are playing Santa?) could whip up an amazing meal! Well, I’m here to help! Wouldn’t this big warm comforting yummy bowl of Taco Soup be wonderful for dinner tonight?! Best part…it’s ready in 30 minutes! Shoot… even the “missing elves” could make this one! 😉

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