Steaming an Artichoke has never been easier thanks to the Instant Pot! This is a great “How To” make delicious steamed artichokes in minutes!
Artichokes, are one of springs earliest vegetables. I get so excited when I see them in the markets! I realize they are immature flower buds of a thistle plant (and I’m not a thistle fan)…but I can’t help loving them!

I still remember the first time I had an artichoke! My Dad prepared them in our old-fashioned pressure cooker. I watched in awe as he trimmed them and prepped them for us to try! They were so unusual.
I was fascinated as he showed us how to remove the outer leaves, dip them in garlic butter (my personal favorite), or mayonnaise, and then scrape the meat off with our teeth! I was an instant fan!
I know not everyone loves artichokes! However, if cooked and prepared properly, Artichokes can be a culinary delight to look forward to every Spring and Summer.
How To pick the perfect Artichoke
As mentioned above artichokes are immature flower buds. The edible parts are at the base of the individual leaves and just above the stem, and in the inner saucer-shaped piece called the heart.
Artichokes have a firm flesh, but the portions you can eat are velvety and creamy in texture.
Select a tightly closed bud that feels heavy for it’s size. The more leaves, and the closer together they are, the better! (Just means more to eat!)

How To Prepare an Artichoke
A bit of trimming makes a big difference, in not only appearance, but the ease of eating these thorn laden vegetables. (They are a little prickly…like Aunt Bertha at Thanksgiving dinner!)
Using a large, stainless-steel, or serrated knife, on a large cutting board, hold the artichoke with one hand, slide the knife under the bottom row of smaller leaves, and make one cut to remove the stem.
TIP: Artichokes will darken if cut with carbon steel.
Removing the stem allows the artichoke sit level in the instant pot while cooking, and makes it easier to serve.

Using the same knife remove the top of the artichoke, by making one solid cut, straight down, cutting off the very tips at the top of the globe.

Rinse the artichoke. Rub a slice of lemon over the cut surfaces, to help keep the flesh from discoloring.
To finish preparing each artichoke, use kitchen shears to trim off the tough, thorny tops of the outside layers of leaves. The Europeans bend them back and snap them off…. I like my fingers so I use scissors!
TIP: Also note those little spots of brown? Don’t worry about those, they are just frost spots and can actually make the artichoke a little sweeter than normal.

When you are finished trimming the Artichokes, they should look like the photo below.

How To Cook An Artichoke
There are several ways to cook an artichoke. They can be boiled, grilled, roasted, and my personal favorite…steamed! Steaming an artichoke in the Instant Pot is easy.
Add 1 cup of water to the bottom of your instant pot. Place the trivet in the bottom of the pan, or add a steaming basket. Either will work perfectly.
Place the artichokes, 2 large, on top of the trivet or steamer basket. Place a slice of lemon on top of each artichoke.
TIP: You can also add garlic or a few sprigs of rosemary. I prefer to use lemon only.

Place the lid on top of your instant pot and turn to seal shut. Make sure the valve in closed as well.
Cook on high pressure for 20 -25 minutes. I prefer to cook them a tad longer to make sure the leaves and center are soft.
Quick release the pressure. Remove the lid and lift from the pot, carefully, using tongs.
Place cooked artichoke in a shallow individual serving dish, and garnish with a slice of lemon. Serve the artichokes warm or at room temperature.

How To Serve and Eat an Artichoke
Artichokes can be served with melted butter or mayonnaise. Remove one leaf at a time from the bud, and dip into the sauce, then draw the meaty end of the leaf through your teeth to remove the flesh! (I’m drooling just thinking of it!)
TIP: Be sure to have an extra plate on the table for the spent leaves.
To eat the heart, remove all the outer leaves, and remove the immature prickly, pinkish leaves in the center. Use the tip of a spoon to scrape up the thicket of fuzz, or choke, beneath. It will come up in small bits.
Cut the heart into smaller pieces and let everyone dig in! Honestly for years I didn’t touch the heart! I was young, and stupid, and now regret all the deliciousness I missed!
It’s true…youth is wasted on the young! Now I eat every single part of the artichoke possible.

Living in the day and age of the Instant Pot is so wonderful! Dad’s old pressure cooker was scary! The new Instant Pot, with its safety measures, is a wonderful kitchen tool. Artichokes cooked under pressure, in steam, cook so much faster than boiling them!
I hope if you have an instant pot, you’ll give this method of steaming Artichokes a try! They are absolutely sublime!! A true seasonal treat and great side dish!
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Thanks so much for stopping by today and visiting with me! Spring vegetables bring such bright colors and flavors to our dishes. I hope you’ll try something new and different like this artichoke recipe.
Come Back Soon! Happy Nesting!

Instant Pot Steamed Artichokes
- 2 large artichokes
- 1 lemon sliced
- 1 cup water
- Trim and Prepare artichoke by cutting off the top and stem. Trim the tips of the leaves. Rinse the artichokes.
- Rub top and bottom cuts with lemon juice to keep the artichoke from turning brown.
- Add 1 cup of water to the instant pot, place trivet or steam basket in bottom of pot. Place prepared artichokes on top of the trivet, or in the basket. Top each artichoke with a lemon slice. Place lid on top and lock into position.
- Make sure the release valve is in the "closed" position. Set pot for "high" and 20 minute cook time. Carefully Quick release when done.
- Remove artichokes from instant pot with tongs. Place steamed artichokes in shallow serving dish. Serve with mayonnaise or garlic butter for dipping.