Easter Bonnet Cookies are a fun Easter treat made with Cookies and Lindor Truffles and a little bit of frosting.
Did you grow up having a Special Easter outfit for Church on Easter Sunday? Even with our limited family budget I always had a new Easter outfit.

Back a hundred years ago or so…it consisted of an Easter dress, new white dress shoes, and a bonnet of some sort. On good years there may even be a matching little handbag and gloves! (Yes I have pictures…NO! You are not going to see them! Lol)
Maybe that’s where my love of hats began? I love hats! I love old movies where everyone wore a hat. My all-time favorite musical is “My Fair Lady”. The “horse race” scene and that hat! (Swoon!)
I’ve been trying to come up with a fun Easter treat to share with ya. I wanted something “festive”! So… I was beyond excited when I spied these Keebler, Limited Edition, E.L. Fudge Striped cookies in Lemon Cream Pie flavor with WHITE stripes! You probably see a cookie. Right?
I saw I bonnet with cute pink ribbon and spring flowers! Yippeeee!!!!
How To Make Easter Bonnet Cookies
These are super fun and super easy to make! You’ll need one package of Limited Edition Lemon Cream Pie flavor Keebler cookies. (I found mine at Walmart.)
One can of vanilla frosting. One small bag of Lindor white chocolate truffles! (This ingredient alone is worth making these darling treats! You know…one of the hat…one for me! Lol)

Divide your can of frosting equally into three smaller bowls. Color each bowl of frosting in pink, yellow and green, and set aside.
To make the top of the hat you will need to cut a Lindor Truffle in half. The best, and easiest, way to do this is to heat the blade of the knife over a hot flame. I used a candle and a very sharp straight bladed knife. Don’t place the knife too close, or it will turn the blade black, and you don’t want the black soot on your truffle. So hold the knife high above the flame. It will heat up quickly.

Take a truffle in your hand and find the original line where they pieced the two halves together. Hold the hot knife along the line and gently slide it down and through the chocolate candy until it is divided in half. (Don’t mind my dry hands! Yee-Gads!)

Once it is cut in half, place it in the center of the Fudge Stripe cookie. The melted chocolate will dry and adhere it to the cookie. (Oh shoot! I got chocolate on my finger. What will I do? Lol)

Once you have all your bonnet tops in the center of your hat “brims” it’s time for the fun part! It’s time to decorate the bonnets.

Now don’t hate me…I got super excited, and had frosting all over my hands, and didn’t get photo’s! I know, I know, I know!!! I’m a horrible “step-by-step” photographer. We’ve established that fact…numerous times! I’m so sorry friends!
I will tell you that I used plastic disposable decorating bags with the tip of the bag cut off. Cut it at the very bottom of the bag and just a tiny amount.
You want a small fine line. You can always cut up higher on the bag if you need a bigger line, but you can’t glue back on what you’ve cut off. So start with just the teeny tiny tip of the bag.
Fill one bag with a heaping spoonful of pink frosting and another bag with a heaping spoonful of yellow frosting.
Around the bottom of the truffle, where it is stuck on to the Fudge Stripe cookie, pipe a fine line around the base and make a little bow in the back to create a ribbon.
Don’t worry about it being perfectly smooth. I even took to wiggling mine up and down to give it a more “wavy” appearance. I loved this effect so much I did it on all the cookies.

I placed three flowers on the side of the “bonnet”. For the flowers I used a small Wilton “star” tip, and for the leaves I used a very small Wilton Leaf tip.
Now… If you don’t have cake decorating tips…no worries. You can use pre-made frosting flowers, found in the cake decorating aisle, gum drops, or sprinkles for the flowers and leaves.
Use your imagination and just create fun edible Easter Bonnets!

Want to know the best part…besides how darling they are! They are YUMMY!!! Those lemon cream pie Fudge Stripe cookies are DELICIOUS!!! Throw that Lindor Truffle on top…and BA-ZINGA!
My daughter and I refuse to disclose how many of these we have eaten. However, it was imperative we do taste testing for y’all! We’re happy to report you’re good to go.
If you allow the cookies to set out overnight the decorator frosting will harden up, and you won’t have to worry about them getting ruined when you package them. I just know you have Easter bonnet loving friends who would love a little bag filled with these darling spring time hats.

What do ya think? I love how bright, cheerful, and fun these turned out. I also love how deliciously yummy they are.
I think these would be fun for a Mother-daughter tea or a Mother’s Day luncheon. Those little Keebler Elves out did themselves this year!
Remember to sign-up for my weekly Newsletter. It goes out every Monday to let you know what’s coming up this week at my Nest. I promise not to clutter your mailbox with e-mails! I hate that as much as you do.
I just want to make sure you know what fun and delicious things I have planned for the upcoming week.
Thanks for stopping by my Nest! See ya soon!

The Better Baker
Saturday 8th of April 2017
Such a darling idea! I would have seen a cookie...love your creativity!!
[email protected]
Monday 10th of April 2017
Thank you Marsha! You're so sweet! Loving that yummy casserole of yours on Meal Plan Monday! Congrats!!!! :)
Little Quiltsong
Tuesday 4th of April 2017
These are gorgeous! Love how easy they are to make and so attractive to set out!!
[email protected]
Tuesday 4th of April 2017
Awww! Thank You so much! I had so much fun making them and I just love how they turned out. I'm so glad you like them too. Thank you for your comments and for visiting with me! ;)