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The leaves are beginning to turn yellow, orange, and red and flutter to the ground! Fall is sneaking up on us. We are seeing all things “pumpkin” on Pinterest! Before it’s gone… let’s hang on to the last few vestiges of summer with this amazing Fresh Peach Cake A La Mode! This was one of the very first desserts I had when arriving in Utah, 20 some years ago, and although I’ve made a few changes, it is still one of my all time favorite fresh fruit desserts! Before it’s too cold to sit out on the back porch and enjoy the sunsets…whip up this amazing fresh peach cake and enjoy one or two more summer nights with the family!

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If you’re searching for a super yummy treat to curb your peanut butter and chocolate craving…look no further! This peanut butter coated crispy-chewy popcorn covered in semi-sweet chocolate is the perfect solution! It’s easy to whip up, you’ll have all the ingredients on hand, and within minutes you’ll be munching your way through your current Netflix marathon with this wonderful “training trail mix”! (wink-wink)…

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Fall is in the Air! I see the golden yellows starting to top all the trees. I’m ready for football, apple cider, cool crisp air, plaid blankets, and pumpkins! I love pumpkins and I love baking with pumpkin! I’m nicely exiting out Summer and welcoming Fall with this wonderfully dense and nicely spiced pumpkin pound cake topped with a sweet rich homemade walnut sauce. Howdy Fall! Come on In!!!

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Today I’m sharing a wonderful Cherry Crumb Coffee Cake. Yum! I’m a coffee cake fan! Always have been. What makes coffee cake… coffee cake? The batter is heavier than your usual cake batter. It’s one of the reason’s the “bundt” pan was invented and became popular in the 1950’s. The hole in the center allowed for the heavier batter to cook all the way through without having the center still “doughy” and uncooked. They also generally do not have frosting. The tradition of coffee cake came from the Danish around the 17th century when it became custom to have a sweet cake with their coffee. Maybe it’s the English blood that runs through my veins but, whatever the reason…I just know I L.O.V.E. a good, easy to make, coffee cake and…THIS is all that and more! Come take a peek…ya know ya want to!

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Tuesday Tips is a post I will be doing on the 1st Tuesday of every month! So mark your calendar’s! (wink, wink) Today’s tip is for all you mommy’s out there with little ones. It’s summertime and we are all craving cool treats! From Ice Cream cones to Popsicles, and my favorite, Snow Cones. What about our “littles”? Don’t they deserve a treat too. One that won’t melt all over them and you before they can finish it? I’ve created these healthy yummy “Baby” popsicles! Perfect for baby, toddlers or even your smaller kiddos. Perfect for those “teethers” too! Best part…they are made with fresh fruit and 100% baby fruit juice and they’re super duper easy to make…come take a peek! My model is pretty darn stinkin’ cute!

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To round out this week I wanted to share one of our favorite new frozen treats! Hand dipped chocolate frozen banana’s with toasted almonds! Usually a treat only found at fairs or amusement parks, I decided it was about time we brought this special treat home to roost! They are so “a-peeling!” (You didn’t think I could resist that pun did you?) You are going to love how simple these are to make and you are REALLY going to love how heavenly they are on a warm summer night!

Read More about Frozen Chocolate Covered Banana’s