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I love Labor Day weekend. Not only do we have our “crab and shrimp boil”, but it’s also our small town County Fair. Oh, I don’t go to the fair to see the exhibits, animals, blue ribbons, or ride the rides. I proudly go for the food! That’s right friends! It’s all about the food. My favorite…you’re looking at it…Funnel Cake. Why wait? It’s peach season… the perfect time to pair these beauties up with homemade funnel cake, and a heaping scoop of vanilla ice cream! Talk about BLUE RIBBON!!!

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I’m kind of a sucker for anything with a European flavor and feel! Especially when it comes to their pastries. I’m sorry…but they have it down. Which is why I was drawn to the rage of Galette’s. Galette’s hail from France and are basically a free form country tart. They are super easy to make and filled with all that fresh fruit filling. This is the PERFECT dessert for your outdoor cook outs! Light, refreshing, and easy!

Read More about Fresh Triple Berry Galette

I’m pretty sure we all have an “inner” Cookie Monster. Our love affair with Chocolate Chip Cookies start at a young age. There isn’t anything better than an rich and chewy cookie loaded with ooey-gooey melted chocolate and an ice cold glass of milk. I don’t like to brag about my recipes however…this is the exception. These cookies truly are the BEST! They’re perfection. Crispy and crunchy around the edges and chewy and moist in the center. This will become your “go-to” basic dough recipe. You can add anything you want to the mix…just be sure to use the basic mix!

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I love the “new” poke cake fad. I think I love it because it’s like platform shoes, converse tennis shoes, bell bottom pants, swing dancing, or any fad that comes and goes…and comes back again! It reminds us of happy memories and good times. I think I was 8 when I had my first bite of “poke” cake. It was AMAZING! Only we didn’t call it “poke” cake. Times were simpler then…we just called it “Yum Yum Cake”. Why? Cause it was Yummy! It’s still one of my all time favorite cakes! I’ve changed things up a bit to give it a fun 4th of July look, but truthfully…it’s heavenly any time your lucky enough to have a piece.

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Sometimes I just cut loose in the kitchen! (Call me a wild woman!) That’s exactly what happened a few weeks ago when I had some left over sweetened cream mixture from one recipe and decided to add it to the shortcake I was making. Pretty much created the World’s BEST Shortcake…cause who wouldn’t want bits of cheesecake blended in with their shortcake and then smothered in all the fresh berries summer has to offer! Sing it with me…”You’re Welcome”! lol

Read More about Triple Berry Cream Cheese Shortcake

The lazy hazy days of summer! Remember being barefoot… dancing on the hot concrete… in front of the Ice Cream Truck to buy your favorite frozen treat? Me too! Mine was either a snow cone or a Creamsicle! They were magical! Ice cream stuffed inside that delicious orange popsicle. So what could be better? The grown-up version! This Orange Creamsicle Frozen Dessert is going to whisk you away to the summer days of your childhood. Come join me for a trip down memory lane…bring a fork!

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For two years I’ve been drooling over this Cheesecake. I decided it was high time I actually make it! So I did! It’s every bit as good as it looks. If you love cheesecake as much as I love cheesecake…you need to make this masterpiece! I think my husband may have made himself sick on this cheesecake he ate so much of it. (That my friends is an endorsement you can take to the bank!) Oh…and don’t let the Amaretto scare you off! Remember you can always “bring a cup of it to a boil to bake off the alcohol, if you don’t drink, and all you’re left with is the warm rich flavors of Amaretto. I do this all the time and leave a container of it in my spice cupboard for baking.

Read More about White Chocolate Amaretto Cheesecake

I truly LOVE fresh fruit pies. I think I love them even more than baked fruit pies? Hmmmm? (I may need to get back to you on that!) Any who…I am slightly giddy over this fresh strawberry pie. It’s just like Mom made. (Mom if this isn’t your recipe do NOT crush my illusions) It is as delicious as it looks. I know it was all over Facebook last week and I knew the minute I saw it, I was going to make it. It’s the perfect Mother’s Day dessert. Mom’s love eating fresh fruit in pie… it’s guilt free cause it counts as one of our fruit servings! YES it does!!! (Course so are jelly fruit filled donuts…I’d use extreme caution when choosing to argue that point!) I think my new tag line will be… “Just saving husbands lives one tip at a time”! Enough of this…come check out this mouth-watering pie!

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I love all the wonderful fresh fruits and veggies this time of year has to offer. To celebrate I created this delectable Lemon Berry Angel Food Cake! Layer upon layer of sweet light angel food cake is topped with lemon pudding, lemon cream, and LOADS of fresh berries! Every kind I could get my hands on. It makes for one show stopping dessert that would look amazing on your Easter Dinner Table.

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